Extension Programme Unit
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce
University of Sri Jayewardenepura


19 Jul Diploma in Public Management 2024
Application deadline have been extended up to 15th September 2024
Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurial Business Management 2024
Application deadline have been extended up to 31st August 2024

  Join the ‘Centre of Excellence’ in Management Education in Sri Lanka, and sharpen up
your entrepreneurial and professional skills 
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Support Unit- (SMEDSU) is the official
academic wing of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management Studies 
and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, established to develop
knowledge, skills and attitudes in the field of Entrepreneurship and Business
Management of practicing entrepreneurs and professionals.

Applications are being called for the following programs of SMEDSU for the academic
year of 2024
     1.	Advanced Certificate in Entrepreneurial Business Management- AC EBM
     2.	Diploma Entrepreneurial Business Management – D EBM
     3.	Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurial Business Management- HD EBM

Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurial Business Management- HD EBM
Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurial Business Management is the level where the
participants will be made thorough on the area of Entrepreneurship and Business
Management. A profound knowledge on the above areas will be given while improving 
the entrepreneurial skills of the participants.

Duration: 01 Year

Registration Fee: Rs. 3,000.00

Course Fee: Rs. 150,000.00 (can be paid in 3 installments)

Installments and Payment Deadline	
01st Installment      02nd Installment       03rd Installment      Total (Rs.)
01st June 2024        01st November 2024     16th February 2025	
70,000/-	      40,000/-	             40,000/-	           150,000/-

Re-Registration Fee: Rs. 2,000.00
Repeat Subject: Rs. 1,000.00 (per subject)

Entry Qualifications:
     1.	General Certificate of Education (Advanced level) or an equivalent
        qualification and 
	completion of a minimum of 30 credits at SLQF Level 3 or 
     2.	Diploma in Entrepreneurial Business Management, USJ, or
     3.	Completion of NVQF level 5 followed by a corresponding cognitive bridging
        programme of minimum 30 credits as determined by the academic authority of 
        the HEI concerned may also be considered as an equivalent qualification in 
        that field of Entrepreneurship.

Program Structure:
Code	        Course Title	                  Credit     Contact Hours
Semester 1
HDEBM1301	Financial Accounting	            03	           45
HDEBM1302	Operations Management 	            03	           45
HDEBM1303	Cost and Management Accounting	    03	           45
HDEBM1304	Creativity and Innovation	    03	           45
HDEBM1305	Business Planning – I 	            03	           45
HDEBM1106	Professional Skills – I 	    01	           15
Semester 2
HDEBM2301	Legal Environment 	            03	           45
HDEBM2302	Financial Management 	            03	           45
HDEBM2203	ICT for Entrepreneurs	            02	           45
HDEBM2204	Macro Economics	                    02	           30
HDEBM2305	Business Planning – II 	            03	           45
HDEBM2106	Professional Skills – II 	    01	           15
Total	                                            30	          450

Program Schedule
Lectures of the programs are held only on Sundays and final examinations are held on
selected Saturdays. Registered students will be given an academic calendar at the date
of commencement of the program.

Medium of Instructions
      •	Lectures of the HD EBM program will be conducted in English with brief 
        explanations in Sinhala.
      •	Question papers for the final examinations will be provided in English and
      •	Candidates of the program can answer the examination papers either in English
        or Sinhala.

Closing Date for the Applications
31st August 2024

For More Information
+9411275 8823	Office
+9477 917 5075	Mr. Dhanuka Perera
	        (Coordinator- HD EBM/ Lecturer Department of Entrepreneurship) 

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